FSB 7625 Bronze Dark Patinated Waxed
Furniture in bronze acquire added radiance over the years. They acquire a very special aesthetic appeal
in the course of being used that testifies to a credible process of ageing and to something gained through change.
The bronze fittings with FSB 7615 and FSB 7625 finishes finish are first polished and then pretreated using
a process especially developed by FSB.
Antimicrobial action and surface hygiene
Owing to the increasing occurrence or antibiotic-resistant germs, FSB’s bronze takes on a new significance owing to its bactericide effect.
Critical studies in the USA and in Great Britain show that bacteria on copper alloy surfaces are 99.9 % killed off after two hours at the latest.
This group of bacteria includes the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), one of the most virulent and dangerous germs known.